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Daily Disposable Contact Lenses

Have you considered DAILIES in North Charleston, SC?

Not Daisies... Dailies! Contact lenses in North Charleston SC, that is.

Contact lenses make you look great without making a fashion statement. Small and flexible, it’s hard to imagine how they can correct vision like eyeglasses but prescription contacts provide vision correction for people with refractive errors like nearsighted, farsightedness and astigmatism. So why doesn’t everyone just wear contact lenses? The most common reason for discontinuing contact lens use is eye irritation. The second most popular reason: people can’t be bothered to take care of their contact lenses with nightly rinsing and storage regimens. If these are deterring you from wearing contact lenses, you may be an ideal candidate for daily disposables.

Daily disposable contact lenses are – as their name suggests – worn for just one day and then tossed. You never have to worry about protein buildup. If you have an eye infection, you don’t have to worry that your contact lenses may re-infect your eyes next week. You don’t need a contact lens storage container or contact solution. No rinsing. No rubbing.

Just open a fresh pair of dailies in the morning. Wear them all day. And throw your contact lenses out before you go to bed.

Daily contacts are the healthiest choice, according to eye doctors in North Charleston, SC. In addition to the convenience factor, which increases patient compliance, contact lenses that are worn only once may be the best option for allergy sufferers, travelers and teens. Single use contact lenses also reduce GPC which stands for giant papillary conjunctivitis – a type of inflammation inside the upper eyelids which is often a reaction to contact lenses – as well as decreasing the chances other types of eye irritation and eye infections.

Our North Charleston optometrists Dr. Lesslie can give you the lowdown on contact lenses and the pros and cons associated with various wearing schedules including dailies. Call Lesslie Vision Care to book your contact lens consult today.

Find out more about Acuvue DEFINE Contact Lenses from your North Charleston SC optometrist today!